This transcript was exported on Jan 27, 2021 - listen to the podcast here
Troy Casey: The way I recommend you find that out is tapping into what your heart desires, what are you good at? What do you love? What did you do when you were younger? What inspired you? I got lost on the train and I just thought I needed to make money.
Ashley Rivard: Hey guys, I'm Ashley Dawn Rivard and you are now Into The Dawn, a provocative podcast that looks at all things taboos, such as suicide, grief, sex, addictions, and more. Each week, I talk with experts who successfully investigate their areas of interest. And if you like what you hear, please remember to subscribe.
Ashley Rivard: Troy Casey, The Certified Health Nut has successfully restored physical, mental, and emotional balances to clients who have failed with all other systems. As a Versace model in Milan 31 years ago, Troy studied nutrition, herbs, and internal purification as a way of looking and feeling great in front of the camera. He scoured the earth for the most powerful health and healing methods, working with the indigenous tribes in the Amazon as a medicine hunter. His book, RIPPED at 50: A Journey to Self Love has all the tools you need to restore and keep your health optimal.
Ashley Rivard: What was really the defining moment for you that puts you on this health track? Because I know with your story and what you share in the book, which is pretty phenomenal, we'll call it a rollercoaster ride. What was that defining moment that you decided to step up the game?
Troy Casey: You mean like really clean up my life?
Ashley Rivard: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Troy Casey: It was really just being sick and tired of being sick and tired in my modeling career and just drinking and hating my modeling career. Not the career itself, but the industry and the weird games that were played in that business. And then my friends told me, "Hey, you're wasting your potential." And I heard that way too many times and that was enough impetus to start looking into that. I wanted things that were better in my life as well, and I wanted to grow, and I moved to LA to become an actor.
Troy Casey: I started trying to get sober years before that actually, but when I finally moved to LA, I was like, "All right, look, I can't build a new career on being a party animal." And so it was time to grow.
Ashley Rivard: Before you moved to LA, did you find Ayahuasca? Because I know in your book you said really that took you on a path, right?
Troy Casey: I had three very big wake-up calls. One was I started studying Vipassana meditation, which was presented to me, the idea of meditation and prayer or contemplation meditation prayer was step 11 in AA. I started late '94, I think, early '95, I think I went to my first AA meeting. And there was some things about AA I didn't like either. But the one thing that stuck, the people that spoke about step 11, that really helped their lives, there was a je ne sais quoi about them. There was something very interesting, something resonant.
Troy Casey: And then years later, I had a really challenging time. I think it was new year's, with a girlfriend and we broke up and I destroyed the relationship. And I was just like, "All right, I'm going to change. I'm going to put my foot down, I'm going to change." I started meditating, I didn't know what I was doing. Then four months later, a waiter turned me on to Vipassana meditation with S. N. Goenka and I sat my first 10 day course in silence, which is pretty intense.
Ashley Rivard: Very intense.
Troy Casey: People think Ayahuasca is intense, but it's like, "Yo, go and try and do 10 days in silence." The amount of energy your jaw gets just from moving, your shoulders, everything's connected. Meditation is the... They did the asanas so that people could practice meditation. So like yoga, if you're looking at yoga, which the definition of yoga means union of body and mind, they would do the asanas to relax the body so that you... asanas and pranayama so you could get the mind stable enough to sit there and deal with the subtle vibrations inside your body.
Troy Casey: And so the training that I went through in the 10 days, it took you through that process without yoga. And so you ended up dealing with yourself and the body unwound on such a deep cellular level. At one point I thought my femur was going to dislocate from my hip literally. And I heard other people talking to the teachers and complaining, and they wanted to sit up against the wall. And one guy had like... it felt like it was an 800-pound gorilla on his back. And that's stuff that we carry on, the burden that we carry on the shows up in the physical body.
Troy Casey: I came out of it and it felt like truckloads of stuff, garbage, trauma was off of me. So I practiced that for six years, pretty religiously, two hours a day and I did 11 courses total. That was a huge part of my wake up call. But if you back up all the way when I started modeling, I had digestive problems and that's how I got into nutrition. That's how I discovered herbs. That's how I discovered whole food eating. That was a process as well, and I believe truly now after 30 years and healing my gut, and healing my metabolism, I had constipation for most of my adult life.
Troy Casey: I kept discovering, and doing fasting, and different internal cleanses, liver cleanses, colon cleanses and this helped me, it helped me, but I didn't cure my constipation until later on until I started getting into breath, work and tower stomach massage. But it was that initial digestive issues. I like to say, there's two forces on this planet, yin and yang, and your curse is your gift. It's two sides of the same coin. But the gift is after 30 years, I've amassed some form of expertise that it shows up in my tissues and I'm able to speak and inspire others to transform their life.
Ashley Rivard: What is the biggest stigma for men in health? Whether it be for men in their 50s, because you're in your 50s or in general, what do you feel is the biggest stigma for men that you're helping everyone overcome?
Troy Casey: I think one of the biggest stigma and the biggest taboo is that men feel inadequate. Because you got 70% of the American people that are obese or overweight right now and people don't know how to take care of their body and they feel inadequate. They contact me on the internet like I'm, God's gift to something or other, but I work at everything that I do. Half the practices that I picked up was to stabilize my own imbalances, to stabilize my own dysfunction, whether that's emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, however, it's showing up; physical, being the last manifestation of the mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Troy Casey: So, these practices I've just implemented because I wanted a better life, I wanted to be better, I wanted to be a better version of myself. Whether that was in front of the camera as a model and as an actor, I wanted to look and feel my best. But then continuing as a family, man, I want to be well rested, I want to be energized. I'm wired to... I need to feel good just as a baseline. And I think a big stigma that's out there right now is the shame that people look in the mirror and they don't add up to, and especially for women, I see this as well, but they don't add up to the advertising, the television advertising.
Troy Casey: For men, they use regular guys in a lot of advertising, but for women it's much more difficult because they use the models, not everybody looks like that. But the bottom line is, is that an animal in the wild is going to be felt in habits musculature. Now, everyone's got a different, there's at least three different body types. So it's not that everyone needs to look exactly the same, but you want to have a certain level of vitality, virality. We also have infertility issues that are happening right now, male sterility. These are big issues and these have to do with our environment.
Troy Casey: We're only as healthy as the environment, and the environments compromised. We've got Xenoestrogens that affect hormones, we've got chemical surface runoff in the airways, in the waterways, and these are showing up in our tissues. Price-Pottenger Foundation was set up on this whole principle. Weston A. Price traveled to indigenous cultures and studied them and they had 30 pearly whites into their old age. And then people that were in the modern world would eat sugar, and candy, and dry fruits and stuff like that. Their teeth would rot, and then this would call cause crowding.
Troy Casey: And then the next generation, they would also have issues with their palate, and their growth, and how the cranium developed. This is all in his book. I think it's a Weston A. Price something Degenerative Diseases. And then Pottenger did the study on four generation of cats eating processed foods. And in the first generation, there were some mental problems and some basic health problems. By the third and fourth generation, we were looking at sterility, they were losing their hair, they were losing their mental health.
Troy Casey: And what are we doing right now? We're dealing with a huge mental health issue. We're dealing with depression, suicide amongst men is extremely high. People are feeling inadequate, they're out of balance, they're out of balance with nature. And that's the basic principle and the basic fundamental elements of my book, we are nature. We're symbiotic relationship with nature. How do you expect the world to be healthy if we're not healthy ourselves?
Troy Casey: And that applies to the natural law of correspondence, which there's seven immutable laws and the natural law of correspondence states, as above, so below. The macro is the micro, we're all connected.
Ashley Rivard: Right. And something you say in your book that I enjoyed was, you made it clear in the very beginning, this is not a book on diet, on exercise, right? It's optimal health.
Troy Casey: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Ashley Rivard: And you touched on the fact of, obviously we need movement, we need to put good foods and in our system, but you live your life with all pillars of the mental, emotional, spiritual. And I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but like with men, especially, maybe in their 50s, they've just chased what men are supposed to chase, right?
Troy Casey: Money.
Ashley Rivard: Money and they're dying inside, my opinion, they're not going to show it. And you're really making people go in, not like, "Let's eat right and exercise," but, "Let's get our mind, body, spirit together." Did you-
Troy Casey: Let's not try to outrun our bad diet. Does that make sense?
Ashley Rivard: Yeah.
Troy Casey: People shoveling garbage and then they think they're going to solve all their problems in the gym. And the gym is only one facet of the nine pillars.
Ashley Rivard: Touch on those nine pillars.
Troy Casey: The nine pillars are fundamental principles, foundation, principles. In physics, they call it first principles. So you've got nature and all of its facets. We need nature, we need to be grounded to the earth. There's a lot of research on earthing and inflammation, just getting your feet into the ground. Especially with all the electromagnetic radiation, pollution, WiFi, you've got wattage, amperage from dirty electricity and 60 megahertz cycle, which Tesla invented.
Troy Casey: Tesla said when he invented them that it's not good for the bioresonance field of the human being. So it's important to get grounded into nature, get the sunlight on the body. And what did we do? Everybody's worried about sunscreen and skin cancer. When you have the proper antioxidants in your body and the good nutrition, and you acclimate yourself to the skin. We also have people from Northern climate genealogy. I'm a Northern European, I have to acclimate my skin to be able to be healthy in... I'm in the sun all the time.
Troy Casey: So nature, forest bathing, wild water, jumping in the ocean. These things are all extremely healthy and we lost our connection. Rubber soles were created in the '60s and we've literally been disconnected from the earth, from that. So nature's a major principle. Relationships, a lot of us carry burdens. The human condition is real. I did a lot of studying, I did a lot of personal development and training. I did a landmark forum type training, confrontational psychology. It came from [Ast 00:13:55] in the '70s.
Troy Casey: I did a program called MITT and I witnessed 60 people in an advanced course going through their biggest childhood issues. And let me tell you, there wasn't a dry eye in the room and everyone had serious issues. Whether it was physical trauma, abuse from being in a foster home and being physically abused or burned, the human condition is real. Or someone else being perceived wronged. Maybe someone died in the family and the parent or the sibling didn't treat them properly and they felt that that was wrong. So we carry this type of burden.
Troy Casey: So in the book, one of the pillars is relationships, get cool with your relationships, forgive them and let go of resentments because having resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to hurt. And we carry this stuff on for long periods of time. Ayahuasca is a great way to dismantle that because it acts like a system defrag. So it goes into the energy field, especially the nervous system where we hold our beliefs.
Troy Casey: And if you've got a program running inside your biocomputer and it's taking up a lot of your energy, and it's an angst or a resentment against someone else, it's going to pull it out, it's going to give you a vision, "Hey, you're still angry at your mother or your sister. You want to let this go? Because it's taking up a lot of your energy, which is affecting your long-term survival." So relationships are another important thing.
Troy Casey: One of the most important things is where the book starts out with is your legacy, your dream, your purpose. Especially for men, this acts as a true North, as a guiding light, as a roadmap to your life. And the way the way I recommend you find that out is tapping into what your heart desires, what are you good at? What do you love? What did you do when you were younger? What inspired you? I got lost on the train and I just thought I needed to make money in this world.
Troy Casey: Even Joseph Campbell talks about follow your bliss. But we don't have training for that. We have training in the industrial age school system. And I'm here to tell everyone a newsflash, breaking news, the industrial age is over, it's long over.
Ashley Rivard: What can men do then with this like just high speed world and in the programming of the machismo? We say that, right? That's still something we come up against. A lot of people don't know what their heart wants, their soul wants, because you do need to take that period of slowing down to really slow down and look at, okay, is that society, family, religion? What is running the show here? What is my operating system of why I'm doing what I'm doing?
Ashley Rivard: What can a man who's extremely busy, who's on this, we'll call it a hamster wheel, what can they... You know what? I don't want even want to say men because I think women too. You might disagree, but I think women have a legacy as well that they want to leave. And whether it be just some women want to be a mother, which is amazing.
Troy Casey: Which is huge and that is such an important job on this planet to guide the children of the future to the next level of our development and our consciousness. So I truly believe that that is enough and-
Ashley Rivard: Absolutely.
Troy Casey: ... that needs to be ultimately respected. Not that a woman can't be a CEO or a doctor, anything else. Please, whatever somebody wants to do, I honor that as long as they're not hurting someone else. But when it comes down to child-rearing I know this because I played Mr. Mom and it ruined me hormonally. I was exhausted and guess what? The kids didn't want to hang out with me. They wanted to hang out with her.
Ashley Rivard: So you don't think that men should be stay at home moms, or do you think there's a balance that needs to be found on how to implement the masculine and the feminine into that?
Troy Casey: I think everyone has their roles and it wasn't until I went through my divorce that I reconnected with my primal roots and I really understood my role. I think traditionally, men are wired to see what's on the horizon to eat, and what's on the horizon that may eat them and the family. And to be able to protect that, and set up a perimeter so the feminine can dance. I'm paraphrasing a little bit of David Deida's work in Way of the Superior Man, which I do believe that has application.
Troy Casey: I do believe we have masculine and feminine roles, and the law of gender states that we have masculine and feminine inside of both of us. So you want to find that balance inside of both of us. Finding that ultimate balance. But we do have roles and I do believe that my role is to help and provide for the family and protect them and make decisions that's better for the family. And now that I've brought my family back together, I remarried my ex wife, I got my business on point by listening to my intuition.
Troy Casey: Activating my primal animals so I can actually understand where I am in the environment and execute that. And even if I fall on my face, because I like to say, "I'm failing my way to success," literally. Because I can just keep going. You listen to other people talk about success, perseverance is it, and that's what I talk about in my book. If you're just consistent with your hydration, your nutrition, your sleep, your movement, your nature, you're focused on your dream.
Troy Casey: You're consistent, you're building your dream. Maybe your dream shifts, et cetera, and I have some exercises in the book for men to figure out their dream because-
Ashley Rivard: Okay, that's great.
Troy Casey: ... we were on that subject earlier. So if you just apply these basic fundamental pillars on a regular and constant basis and you're consistent, you will achieve results. And I just think that we've lost our way for that. And people are chasing, they're chasing the dollar, but this book was targeted to executives that have the mistresses, their Ferraris, and mansions and all the money in the world and they're making decisions in media and other aspects of a business that are not helping the future of our planet.
Troy Casey: Because right now we're making a lot of decisions based on oil, based on raping and pillaging the planet for its natural resources. We're not growing hemp, which is a sustainable crop. Instead we're cutting down trees and clear-cutting forests and there's a price to pay on that. So I'm here to help men rewire themselves, because we're only conscious to the degree we're healthy and we're only healthy to the degree we're conscious.
Troy Casey: So if people are unhealthy, once they get healthy, they understand that they are connected to the environment and they have to do something. And so a lot of people, a lot of executives in Hollywood here, a lot of people are drinking Ayahuasca right now, and that is waking people up. And then they're starting to make decisions and creating foundations, and using their business acumen to either start new businesses or create avenues to help the world.
Troy Casey: Gerry Rythmia is a perfect example. He was a very successful businessman. He was an asshole, and he was trying to get off pills and alcohol and he hired the medical director for Passages in Malibu. He made a trip to Passages, read about it in the literature, flew out to California. He talks about it in his book and his seminars that the only thing he wanted to do with women was have sex with them, and with guys, have money with them. Otherwise everybody else he was fighting with all the time.
Troy Casey: He was getting into fights at Nobu and he was just a jerk. So he hired, he did Passages for 90 days. It got them only so far. Then he liked the medical director, so he hired him. And then did his own research and the guy was on payroll and somehow, Jerry found iboga in Costa Rica. And he went down and drank it and his life completely changed. Then told Dr. Jeff, the medical director from Passages that he had to do it. And Dr. Jeff's like, "I'm a medical doctor. I'm not going to do psychedelics."
Troy Casey: And he's like, "You're on my payroll. You're going to do it." And Dr. Jeff figured out that you can do 20 years of therapy in one night with these extremely powerful jungle tools, iboga, Ayahuasca, peyote, which is desert medicine, San Pedro, desert medicine. These tools have been on the planet for a very long time, but they've been vilified just like marijuana because they outperform textiles, they outperform pharmaceutical drugs.
Troy Casey: And what are industrial magnets doing? They're trying to control, they're setting up monopolies that only state licensed doctors can treat, mitigate, or cure any kind of mental illness, physical illness, and so we're kind of locked into these systems. And then these systems are also funded by the industrial age school system. So it keeps everything into block and place.
Troy Casey: My mission is to raise human consciousness and change all systems. It's just time to upgrade the systems. It's not like I'm against... We don't need another revolution. I think we fought all the revolutions. We need an evolution.
Ashley Rivard: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, for everyone. Let me ask you this, is this book just for men?
Troy Casey: No, this book was for every man, woman and child healthy or sick, young or old. It is a owner's manual for the human body temple, the spiritual space suit.
Ashley Rivard: When I read the book, that's how I felt. I was like, "Oh, there's a lot of great information." And you really lay out your story and filtrate it throughout the pillars as well, which helps you connect. Helps the reader connect and go, "Oh wow, this guy's been through some shit." And he keeps going, and you're still young, I would say, in my opinion.
Troy Casey: I feel like a spring chicken.
Ashley Rivard: When you were saying helping men with their legacy in that part, I question again like, is it for women as well?
Troy Casey: It's for anybody.
Ashley Rivard: Women finding their legacy?
Troy Casey: It's for anyone. And what I do with clients, men or women, but especially women, it's like, "Do you want to have children?" Because let's put that out on your legacy right now, it's a biological element. Nature's first law is self-preservation, so everyone wants to get laid at the biochemical level. That's why I made the cover the way I made it. The Kardashians type, pornography runs the internet, it fuels everything. So our mind is on sex, no matter what, it's part of our nature.
Troy Casey: And what does sex represent? It represents love, it represents family. These are the deeper connected elements. But the corporations know this and they use it against us. If you don't brush your teeth with this, you're not going to get the girl and they're trying to sell you goods and services. So the fact of the matter is, get really clear if that's what you want, because sleeping around is probably not going to really help you, and getting off pornography, I definitely think we'll help you find the right woman. So all that's in the book.
Troy Casey: So what I do with women, when I have women clients come over, I do... The most important part of my work is the dream, the purpose and the legacy, because it gives you a roadmap. If you want to go to San Francisco and you start driving towards Phoenix, that might not be the most efficient way to get there. You might end up finding your way, somebody might point you in the other direction, but it's going to take you out a lot longer if you just go up the five and, over into the Bay.
Troy Casey: So the tools that I have is to help work out it from your heart desire. Again, back to what you love, really just what do you love as a kid? Do you like to sing? Do you like to dance? Do you like to draw? Do you like to cook food? Do you like to take care of kids? Do you like to make kids? It's like, do you like carpentry? We don't have a lot of skills like we used to, survival skills and stuff. So people really don't understand.
Troy Casey: Most people say, "I just want to travel." But let me tell you from someone who traveled professionally for years, that gets old quick. And hanging out at the beach, I live at the beach, you don't hang out at the beach all the time, trust me. And so really understanding what it is that you want, and then plugging in those gifts. Because we all have gifts from the creator, unique gifts. You've read a book or you watched a movie, you've seen majestic elements out there. That's for people that are living, watching Kobe Bryant. That's his gift.
Troy Casey: That was his gift, his athletic prowess, and to watch that, that's beautiful. So every single human being out there has that in them. Absolutely 100%. Even if that's a loving, tender kiss to a young person, or an old person, or someone dying. How about that? There's people in hospice and nurse and they're beautiful. They love their work. How about public speaking? The number one feared thing in the world is public speaking for a human being. I don't have a problem with that. I speak all over the world. I thrive on that.
Troy Casey: And yes, it's a little fearful. I use the butterflies to make the magic. And so, one man's poison is another man's food. And so what someone else doesn't like, someone else loves. For example, my mother is just an amazing... she's an amazing worker bee. She likes to be working for someone consistently. I think she lived in Scotland for a while and I think she worked for the same company for 22 years. She's been in Maui for a while and I think she's worked for the same company for 15 years.
Troy Casey: If you have a business and you're a business person, you want that type of employee. You want someone that cares. Right? And I also think we all have to do our work, that's part of us. Whether there's money, because I believe in a world beyond money. Whether there's money or not, we still have to do some type of contributionism to the world. Some people like art and that's one of my major solutions, is the gift economy for the future of the planet.
Troy Casey: I liken it to, the perfect example is your favorite rock star. They're probably extremely wealthy. You would take your shirt off your back to just give it to them and tell them how much you love them. And we do that, we give them more money to hear their music, right?
Ashley Rivard: Sure.
Troy Casey: So that already exists. I just do believe, and I'm not the only one with a wild idea, you got Peter Diamandis, Singularity university. He's in business with Elon Musk and Tony Robbins. He's already talking about a world beyond money, post capitalistic world in the next 12 years. We're going to have driverless cars, the car market's going to be gone. This is in the next six or seven years. No, it's all future-
Ashley Rivard: I know, but personally, I don't trust that. There's glitches all the time.
Troy Casey: There's human glitches too.
Ashley Rivard: I know.
Troy Casey: There's a lot of crushes.
Ashley Rivard: I know. I know. I get it. I agree with you 100% on this whole-
Troy Casey: Change is coming. And the only constant-
Ashley Rivard: Of course.
Troy Casey: ... in the universe is change.
Ashley Rivard: Is change. And but yeah, I really... We'll say when you were unconscious to when you were conscious. Okay?
Troy Casey: Yeah.
Ashley Rivard: So in your modeling career and in acting, all of that, were you conscious that you were lying to yourself?
Troy Casey: That is actually my biggest fear is as BS-ing myself. And so lying to myself, I think when I was modeling, I don't know if it was so much lying to myself as I was lost and not really in tune with my heart's desire. Because I wasn't doing anything against my values.
Ashley Rivard: Or we could say, hiding from yourself.
Troy Casey: Yeah. I simply just did not know who I was. I went through school, I'm living in this world. I go to college, I see that money makes the world go round. What makes money? Okay. Talk to my counselors. Science and math, you need those for science and math jobs and engineering jobs or whatever, so you need to get those underneath your belt because that's where more money is at. So that's the direction that I went when I was in college.
Troy Casey: Then I got into the modeling industry because I was like, "That seems pretty easy. Just take some pictures." I didn't know the mechanics of it and the ins and outs. And I heard that there was good money. You make $5,000 a day, that's good money. I didn't know that you only work a few times a year maybe. Sometimes you work more than others, but it's like feast or famine. I've got extremely successful actor friends.
Troy Casey: My good friend, Michael DeLuise, his dad was a famous actor and comedian as well, and Michael was in many great movies, Wayne's World and Encino Man. He said he was out of work for two months, three months, nine months, and two years in a 20-year career. So there's a lot of ups and downs, so there was that illusion of making that money, the big money, and then there was the reality of, it didn't feed my soul.
Troy Casey: The money wasn't worth it is what I'm saying. The mental gymnastics and psychological issues I had to deal with. I didn't like it. That's why I like being an entrepreneur so I can write my own ticket. I can dance to the beat of my own drum, I can figure it out for myself.
Ashley Rivard: How many people do you think out there, percentage-wise are not feeding their soul? Even 10, 20 years ago, maybe still, that whole paradigm of; go to college, get out, find a man, find a woman, start a family, have kids, and then the divorce happens in their '30s. So how many people do you feel are not feeding their soul and they're living lives that aren't thriving within?
Troy Casey: I don't want to just pull a number out of thin air, but I would say the majority of the population. Most people aren't happy. Most people aren't excited about life. Most people, if you talk to them for five minutes, within three to five minutes, they're going to start complaining about their health or their wealth, or what they're doing. And I honestly think that that is humanities round peg, trying to fit into a square industrial world. We're not just all industrial automatons, we are so much more than that.
Troy Casey: We are powerful co-creators and we're not being taught that. We're not being taught what they taught in the Egyptian mystery schools or in Neoplatonic philosophy, which is alchemy, which is what all the learned people of before the industrial age school system learned that you create and effect matter with your words, and your thoughts, your mind is a tool, and you program that through your heart's desire. And the DaVincis of the world, everyone's a DaVinci, everyone's an Einstein. Everyone has their genius.
Troy Casey: And it's important that you find your genius, and your genius is exactly attached to what you love and what you're passionate about. I found my genius by default and I just think in the new paradigm and the new world that we're moving into, and the world's changing fast and I think 2020 is a huge... I know 2020 is a huge transformation. We're sitting in the middle of a coronavirus-
Ashley Rivard: I know.
Troy Casey: ... scare pandemic, pandemonium and it hasn't even started. I think even later on this week, it's going to get more intense. And I see that that is necessary to break down the old and then the Phoenix can rise from the ashes. That's what needs to happen, that's what is happening. And I studied the Hopi prophecy, and the Eagle and the Condor prophecy, and walk the Mayan temples, Inca temples. I saw visions when I was in the Amazon drinking Ayahuasca and this is just a great time of transformation.
Troy Casey: The Mayan calendar was on point, 2012 was just a portal. And in not only that, but there's the mechanics of the numbers and the 26,000 year procession of the equinoxes. And we're not going to have maybe the exact date down perfectly, but I still think whatever that date was, we moved through the portal and 2020 is on the other side. Astrologically, we're moving into the age of Aquarius at the end of the year, 2020 represents inner vision. There's always number and you can break down the etymology of words. There's deeper meaning.
Ashley Rivard: Do you believe in astrology?
Troy Casey: I loved what my astrologer friend, Scott Tejerian said, I think he's and date-time-place on Instagram. He's a brilliant guy. He was a writer, he was a Hollywood writer. Worked for, I think, William Morris and he was helping me with certified health, not my brand and television show many, many years ago. And he says, "Okay, so you've got the sun and the moon, and you've got the earth, and the oceans of the earth weigh..." Something, what does he say? It's like 130 metric cubic tons.
Troy Casey: He's got like a word for it, like a huge measurement, "And the moon affects the tides of the ocean and you're 70% water. Do you think that the Pluto, and the Neptune, and the Mars, and the Mercury, and all these other transit elements may a pull on you? It's a language. It's a language that the ancients knew, the constellations, the Zodiac. And so if the moon can pull the oceans of the ocean waters on planet earth, then it might have an effect on you."
Troy Casey: And I think that makes some valid points, especially when he came over my house and accurately pinpoint me and my wife's psychological issues.
Ashley Rivard: Really, based on your birthdays and time?
Troy Casey: Oh yeah.
Ashley Rivard: What is your birthday?
Troy Casey: December 30th, which is-
Ashley Rivard: So you're a Sag or-
Troy Casey: Capricorn.
Ashley Rivard: Capricorn.
Troy Casey: The language of astrology, how he educated me, and he just read my charts a couple of weeks ago, my whole family, and it was extremely accurate. He also talked about all the transits that are coming up. We just went through one of the biggest full moons on the ninth. How was your week last week?
Ashley Rivard: Terrible.
Troy Casey: Uh-huh.
Ashley Rivard: I went down.
Troy Casey: Okay.
Ashley Rivard: A few days before I was like, "What the fuck is going on?"
Troy Casey: Exactly.
Ashley Rivard: In a Volcano. But I'm aware enough to know like, okay, this moon is really-
Troy Casey: Yeah. It's not necessarily a belief, it's a thing. There's physical elements and it's pulling on the waters of your body and your unique structure.
Ashley Rivard: I like how you say that, it makes it more tangible. Look, I'm a believer, but I'm a believer in everything you're saying and I know other people I come in contact with, or if I'm talking and I'm like, "Wait, this isn't normal to them? Talking about this stuff?" But it's an interesting thing, and like how you say it-
Troy Casey: It has relevance. I don't want to base like, "Oh, get neurotic."
Ashley Rivard: 100%.
Troy Casey: It's not licensed to be neurotic, and you still got to get on with your life, but it's good. Last week was pretty intense. Coronavirus, looks like we might go into a quarantine the next couple of days. Look at the astrology, it was crazy last week. Astrologically, we're moving at the end of the year into the age of Aquarius, so big changes on the horizon.
Ashley Rivard: What does your day look like health-wise? Your day, I know you're walking embodiment of what you preach. So if somebody wants to know, okay, what's the Certified Health Nut? That's your name, right?
Troy Casey: Yes, that's my official title.
Ashley Rivard: That's your official title.
Troy Casey: I'm not an MD, I'm a CHN.
Ashley Rivard: CHN. What does your day look like mentally, emotionally, spiritually? How do you tune your instrument and connect and be efficient?
Troy Casey: I like to move my body every day, that's for sure. I go to Gold's gym in Venice, and I also go to Muscle beach and I ride my bicycle. I do qigong and I do a lot of breathwork. To be honest, I practiced for personal meditation for six years from 1999 to 2005. I haven't done a course since 2005. Actually, 12 days to go up there and come back is a lot of time for your modern human to get that type of... And plus, there's a little bit of an integration process.
Troy Casey: So I haven't set up a personal course, but I've been wanting to boost my meditation. We just moved back in together. We just got remarried and we just last week moved into a new three-bedroom house, so I have a new space, my yoga mat is right next to my bed with my meditation pillow. What I'm saying is I'm expressing my own shortcomings. I want to bump up my meditation. I think it's necessary because the world's a little chaotic right now and I want to be grounded and centered.
Troy Casey: And although I do breathwork sometimes throughout the day and I'll just drop down, I'll do 10 breaths out of a cold shower, and just [inaudible 00:41:37]. And I'll hold that just to get my breathwork and my consciousness mellowed out. So I'll do that at any given moment. But-
Ashley Rivard: It has a quick effect.
Troy Casey: Yeah. You just do five, 10 breaths anytime you want. [inaudible 00:41:57]. Trying to work on your mechanics, make sure your diaphragm's opening up and then do a breath hold as well. That will shift your state at any time of the day, you throw in a cold shower before or after, and it's magic. So I do that already, but I'm going to bump up my meditation, is what I'm trying to say to you guys. Meditation's a tough sell, to sell to my clients and your average day human, things are moving so fast.
Troy Casey: People are doing emails late at night. I need to get to bed at 10:00. Sometimes I get to bed at 10:30, 11 o'clock and I feel it, the closer I get to bed till 12:00, I feel it. And then boom, kids got to get up for school the next day and it's like, "I'm on." So what I like to do is drop off the kids. I hydrate first thing in the morning; herbs, minerals. I have like an herbal salad, I dried capsules and herbs, I have some wheatgrass and some spirulina. Sometimes I work with an herbal company. I've got great organic products.
Troy Casey: So sometimes I take some of that. Maybe it's just high quality water in my body, maybe with some minerals. And then maybe some wheatgrass, I'll have some capsules, some herbs, depending on what I'm feeling. I have vitamin C from nature, I take that. Just really intuitively I have a huge cabinet that has all my herbs on it and everything. And so I'll hydrate and I'll take micro nutrition first thing in the morning. Then I'll have a green juice. I work with a wheatgrass company and I'll have a green juice.
Troy Casey: And I have super high quality amino acids, so I'll get the protein production happening in my body. Then I'll go to the gym. Basically fasted. I do like a calorie restricted fasting, even though I'll have some small amounts of materials going through my liver and digestive tract, it's all pre-digested. So I'll flood my body with pre-digested nutrition, hydrate, go to the gym fasted, workout my body depending on, if I have the energy, I can work out. If I don't feel so well or if I got a tweak or something like that, I'll do more stretching and stuff like that.
Troy Casey: If I'm riding my bike that day, I'll come home, maybe get back on my bike and go back out to Muscle beach. I create a lot of content, so I'm making probably 10 to 15 pieces of content every single day. So I'm on my phone a lot. I like to get into a full body squat and work on it, so I'm not craning my neck as much. And then I'll start eating depending on how hungry I am. I'll start eating around 2:00 or 3:00, maybe have a meal or a snack.
Ashley Rivard: You don't eat till 2:00 or 3:00 in the day?
Troy Casey: Oh yeah.
Ashley Rivard: So do you call this intermittent fasting?
Troy Casey: You could call it that. Some people are more strict on their definition of fasting, but I call it calorie-restricted intermittent fasting. So basically I don't want my body bogged down with metabolic processes. I want my mind to be clear and I want all the energy that's coming for me. I watch my blood sugar closely. It's not every day rule, sometimes I have breakfast. It really just depends on how I feel. But usually fresh squeezed juices or herbs and superfoods that I work with, water.
Troy Casey: Maybe some pre-digested amino acids, but that's about it, nothing to tax my metabolism. And as long as I can do that, the better, because you go into a state of ketosis and autophagy, so fat burning, and then the body scavenging the dead cells in it as well. So it's just a way to optimize the body. And it's a key to longevity as well. I'm pretty calorie-restricted and-
Ashley Rivard: Do you eat once a day?
Troy Casey: Pretty much, maybe I'll have a snack or my digestion... Again, I had to figure this out from my own digestion. My digestion can be a little bit slower or it takes me a long time. Once I start eating, it's hard for me to put liquids behind that because my digestion, it just gets a little backed up. So I'd rather hydrate in the morning, and then when I'm ready to start eating. And I can eat right before I go to bed too.
Ashley Rivard: And be fine?
Troy Casey: Yeah, totally.
Ashley Rivard: Your stomach doesn't-
Troy Casey: Totally. I'm great. In fact, my body thrives on that. In fact, I was urinating a lot as I started to get older in my 40s and I was urinating a lot at night and it was really messing up my sleep. And then I worked with my mentor and he told me that that's a blood sugar issue. So it's a good idea to have some protein just before you go to bed and it cured the problem over night.
Ashley Rivard: What do you eat for dinner if you eat dinner?
Troy Casey: I eat all organic high quality, farmer direct, pasture-raised, everything. I'm an omnivore. Specifically, I avoid white chicken breast and my body doesn't like turkey that much. I only eat wild fish. We trashed the ocean so there's not a lot of wild fish. I've got a good salmon fishermen that I get my salmon from at Santa Monica Farmer's Market. But other than that, I eat elk, venison, I eat bison. I eat beef and I just try and rotate it as much as possible so my body doesn't get intolerant, it doesn't get used to it.
Ashley Rivard: Okay. Do you take any herbs at night to help you sleep?
Troy Casey: I take tart cherry juice from the company to work with and it's super high quality organic. We've been making and manufacturing it for 27 years.
Ashley Rivard: And it helps?
Troy Casey: Oh yeah. It's the only plant on earth that has a naturally occurring melatonin, the only plant. I don't recommend people take synthetic vitamins and minerals, they're garbage for the human body.
Ashley Rivard: Just to be clear because if women who are so concerned about how we look and we want to be thin or. You're not recommending restricting your... You don't restrict your diet or food intake for how you look, it's for how you feel-
Troy Casey: How I function.
Ashley Rivard: ... and function, yeah.
Troy Casey: It's how I function. And direct feedback loop is the mirror. So if something's working or not working inside my body, all I just got to do is look in the mirror, look at the clarity of my eyes, look at the clarity of my skin, the vibrance of my hair, the flatness of my stomach.
Ashley Rivard: I read in your book that you said it wasn't until you started breathwork that you got a six pack.
Troy Casey: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Ashley Rivard: Why do you think that is?
Troy Casey: There was a couple of things that I did, but the breathwork helped because I coupled it with tower stomach massage, and you have nerve endings that come through the vagus nerve and end up in your gut. If you can imagine a child running out in the street and like, "Hey." The parents yelling, you freeze. And a lot of that gets stored in your abdomen area, your second and third chakra. And I had blockages there and there were physical blockages from mental or emotional components.
Troy Casey: And when I started practicing my tower stomach massage during my... I'm all pretty much self-taught. I've had a couple people and I watch a bunch of YouTube videos, but when it comes to breathwork, I saw some stuff, I practiced, I worked with some friends and I practiced it and I saw what works. Then I had a tower sexual Kung Fu teacher, and she taught us about the internal organ massage.
Troy Casey: And so I just coupled those two things together and that cleared everything up. I also did aged urine animus, and that was huge.
Ashley Rivard: Okay. What is that? That's so weird.
Troy Casey: It's the ancient art of Shivambu. It's an ancient aerobatic technique. So I go into ancient techniques, things that have worked, things before hospitals, before doctors, before any of what we have in the modern world. And I've been practicing Shivambu urine therapy for many years, but a friend of mine cured himself of testicular cancer. They wanted to take out his lymph nodes after chemo and he was in his 30s or early. I think he was in his late 20s. And he was like, "I don't like that idea."
Troy Casey: Because the chemo didn't get it. So he went home and found it on the internet, read some literature and started practicing it. And he looped his urine for three weeks and he went back and the doctors couldn't find it. So he was also helping me with the breathwork as well. His nickname is Dr. PP Shivambu.
Ashley Rivard: I like that. Nail it on the head.
Troy Casey: He's a great guy. So he was helping me with the breathwork. And then there I was facing divorce, me and my wife couldn't solve our problems and he challenged me to a seven day fast on my own urine and taught me about aged urine, which I knew nothing about. But if you look it up, Raquel Welch used to put it on her face as well. It's amazing for the skin, that has antibodies in it. Again, I see the look on your face.
Ashley Rivard: Yeah, because I'm trying to figure out, how do you do that? You catch your pee then, as you're urinating, you catch it in a cup or whatever? And then what do you do with it?
Troy Casey: Mason jar, then you store it.
Ashley Rivard: In the fridge or in a closet?
Troy Casey: Underneath the cabinet. I used to put it out in the sun with a coffee filter over it, so it would ferment, and then it would get gnarly. Look, I did my research enough, but I got to tell you, the results that I got off of it is no laughing matter.
Ashley Rivard: I'm all about enemas. Trust me. I love them. I love how I feel.
Troy Casey: I'm not suggesting it for anyone.
Ashley Rivard: I'm always up for a challenge and I probably will end up doing that at some, but what am I going to feel different versus a water enema or coffee enemas I've done. But that gives me a jolt of too much caffeine actually. But I do like water with some peppermint oil, clean that out. What is the difference with a urine?
Troy Casey: It's basically like straight ammonia, but the thing is, is it's from you, so it has your medicine and it has your hair of the dog. So for me, I can only speak... Look, I hand out challenges all the time. I hand out 100-day qigong challenges, I hand out 100-day full body squat challenges. The fact of the matter is I'm not challenging anybody this. You want to do your own research, go ahead. I got tons of content.
Troy Casey: Somebody just did a documentary on me and they labeled it a day in the life of a urine drinker. Everybody wants to poke fun of me. I don't care. I'm cool. I'm an open book. It's really helped me. I'm not advocating it for anyone though. You got to do your own research. So I took the aged urine and I got one of those bulbs with a needle on it from CVS and lubed up my butt, stuck it up there and it really burned.
Troy Casey: And then I looked in the toilet bowl after I went to the bathroom, when I started wiping my butt and I was like, "There's some red stuff on there." And I was like, "I haven't had beets today and I'm not bleeding." And then another time, I looked in the toilet bowl and there was this square jellyfish looking thing with like this tentacle that was like a hook. If you know anything about parasites and fungal infections.
Troy Casey: We're in symbiotic relationship with bacteria, funguses, viruses. Everybody's flipping out about the coronavirus. The fact of the matter is make yourself strong. Don't be a host because they're everywhere. You go down to the Amazon, there's lichen growing on trees. You go out into the woods right here, probably in your neighborhood, right next to your building, there's probably mold and other elements, there's opportunistic creatures everywhere.
Troy Casey: So you don't want to be a host. You want to make yourself strong. That's what the book is about, is making yourself strong because mother nature's garbage cleaners are parasites and fungus, which decomposes everything, puts it back into the earth for use. This is part of the closed organic life cycle. If you bury yourself in a Pinewood box, eventually everything's going to be eaten by maggots and broken down.
Troy Casey: And so we've just gotten so far away from nature, we don't fully understand it. So don't become a piece of garbage, don't treat your body like garbage. That's what happened to me with the Shivambu practice, the aged urine enemas. And after that, with the breathwork and the tower stomach massage, my stomach's been flat. Part of the problem when I was modeling, is I had a distended stomach. And I'm a healthy guy, I'm a fitness guy, I couldn't get my nutrition on point.
Troy Casey: It wasn't until seven years ago... No, about nine years ago that I got the gluten piece, and that was huge piece for me. And I've been studying nutrition and everything else for a long time. What happened is I don't think we fully realized what was happening with the glyphosate, which is the herbicide from Monsanto. It's been sprayed and utilized since 1983 and it's exponentiated since 1996 when they brought GMOs on the market.
Troy Casey: But there's three patents for glyphosate, and glyphosate annihilates the gut microbiome. You add to that antibiotics, vaccines and other elements, and this kills the gut microbiome. And then we've got... What do you got? You got 70% of the American people that are obese or overweight. The immune system is your ability, the gut is directly related to your immune system. And your immune system is your ability to protect yourself against any kind of biological entities.
Troy Casey: So, what do we have? What are our statistics? Autoimmune, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autism one and 17 right now. These are anomalies and everyone's freaking out about the coronavirus. The fact of the matter is black plagues happen. They have happened in the history of mankind, in recent history. A black plague has already happened, so the potential for it, and we're living out of balance with nature. [crosstalk 00:57:06]-
Troy Casey: We're clearly out of balance. So the potential for some type of plague to sweep this planet is here. And we shouldn't be rushing to the store to get toilet paper and everything else, because guess what? That only lasts three weeks. And then what? So now is the time. This is a clarion call to everyone to align yourself with nature, apply the principles that I teach in my book. I'm not the only one, this is... There's nothing new underneath the sun. I'm not the first person to teach this, but this is replication of the basics.
Troy Casey: This is no new fancy diet book or exercise book. This is the fundamental principles of biology, physiology, and psychology played out on how to be an optimal human being. And when we're optimal, then we can live in a balance with nature. And everyone's so afraid of getting the coronavirus, and what does that represent? Death. Everyone's afraid of death. Hey, newsflash guys, everybody's going to die. The spiritual space suit wears out, and I'm here to tell you that there's no real ultimate death anyways.
Troy Casey: But that's a deeper, philosophical, spiritual conversation. I'm not here to impress that on people, but the fact of the matter is face your imminent death. Face it, because then can live a life worth living.
Ashley Rivard: Amen. Amen. Preach it brother. That was good. I like that. I agree with you 100%. So what is the one takeaway you want to leave people with?
Troy Casey: Be healthy. Go after your dreams, be healthy. You need a healthy vessel to go after your dreams. You're here on earth for a reason. You have a gift, give it.
Ashley Rivard: Live full out.
Troy Casey: Yeah.
Ashley Rivard: I like that. And what would you tell your 20-year old self that you wish you would have known?
Troy Casey: I found health when I was 23 and so... But if I was 20, health is the most important thing. Your health and your word are the only two things you really have on this planet.
Ashley Rivard: And when you say health mind, body, spirit, health?
Troy Casey: Mind, body, spirit, and that comes with dream, purpose, legacy. Comes with connecting with nature, hydration, sleep, thinking, breathing. Hydration, nutrition, sleep, movement, breathing.
Ashley Rivard: Perfect. I love it. Thank you so much for being here and talking with me today and sharing your wisdom. I learned a lot from your book. I highly recommend it.
Troy Casey: What was your takeaway?
Ashley Rivard: My takeaway from the book was, A, I just love people who are so authentic and I... It was such an easy read, but you really brought people in to the shit storm that you were in. My takeaway was not only, yes, go for it, keep pushing yourself, keep expanding. But then when I was reading your pillars, it was just a reminder of like, "Oh yeah. Okay, legacy is number one." Right?
Troy Casey: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Ashley Rivard: Once you're clear on that, then all of your pillars help you build that.
Troy Casey: You start making decisions based on your dream and everyone on your dream team.
Ashley Rivard: Yeah. And like I mentioned off of this, off the record, how the breathwork, in your book, you lay it out so simply, so quickly. And I did it right after I read that, and immediately I felt a change. And then I also went out for a walk. It was a quick... It's this book where I feel like it could be like a little bit of a Bible. You just carry it with you, open it when you are feeling a little off or down, and then you... It's like, "Oh, nature. Okay."
Ashley Rivard: And I was like, "Oh, he's walking every day? I can walk, I could get my butt outside." And it does make such a difference. You come back. I'm sure like a lot of people, I could have a tendency just to like work, work, and then you don't realize you're being blocked. And then you get yourself outside, or you have some nice water, or a piece of fruit, or whatever, just feed your soul, mind, body.
Troy Casey: You're talking about balance?
Ashley Rivard: Maybe. Maybe. Shocking news for Americans. Shocking. It's a great book and I'm definitely recommend it to people. Absolutely. So thank you for sharing this, and writing this, and doing what you're doing.
Troy Casey: Awesome.
Ashley Rivard: And where can people find you?
Troy Casey: Yes, they can find me at Certified Health Nut branded across the internet, YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook. I'm on Twitter as well and, they can find me, the book. I think everything's redirected right now to the book, which is, and Still working on my technology, but I think everything should be easy to find. I'm on Instagram every day for sure.
Ashley Rivard: Yeah, you're. Thank you so much.
Troy Casey: Yeah, thank you. Thank you.
Ashley Rivard: That's it for today's podcast. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen today. Please let me know what you think. Leave a comment, share, and we'll be back next week with a new episode.
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